Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Pray for Rain

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven” (Ecclesiastes 3:1, NIV).

The rainy season has just begun in Senegal. For weeks, farmers have been preparing their fields and working the soil. The rains have started, but have not become consistent. It is always an anxious time as the villagers wait for the rains to come, and try to time the actual planting with the rains. If they plant too soon, birds and other animals may steal the seeds. If they wait too long, they may miss the limited and valuable water when it falls. If rains delay, there is fear and genuine danger of drought that inevitably will be followed by hunger and malnutrition.

It is a season that reminds Senegalese that they have no real control over their lives, and that they are dependent on God for all things. Unfortunately, they do not really know Him. Pray that God will use this season to remind them of who He is and what He has done for them. Pray that He will reveal Himself in His creation and provision for them, and that the Senegalese, who follow a major world religion, will have access to the truth of the gospel through His Word and other believers.

May they put their faith in Christ and be anxious for nothing.

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